Career Queries Educational Articles in Gyalshing

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  • How to make better use of long holidays for exam preparation
    When holidays are longer than expected due to Coronavirus lockdown and you are bound to stay indoors learn online prepare better for rescheduled exams including Class X Board Class XII Board and Entrance Test Here given a list of helpful resources to aid your examination preparation and these resources would cost you no money Digital initiatives of MHRD for School Education and Higher Education Di .... ...Read More
    Posted by: Career Guide
  • Why every senior high student must take SAT
    Students of sciences know how much measurement is essential in our daily lives Without measurement man and nature both can t exists Though ways of measurement could differ I hope other syudents will also agree with me Our examination system largely measure success based on rote learning Its surprising that even in subjects like Mathematics performance is marked if student is writing answers in sim .... ...Read More
    Posted by: Career Guide
  • Where to look for career guidance in India
    Career Guidance is not so readily available thing You can get opinions in every nook and corner of the city lanes But expert guidance is not in abundance What makes general opinion different from expert guidance is an expert does not talk on the basis of assumptions and stories but on facts and figures Career Guidance is a sensitive task you should not believe blindly because an expert saying but .... ...Read More
    Posted by: Career Guide
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